Art in the Heritage District – Stop 5 +6: Reservoir Gorge and Delivery Falls

Art in the Heritage District – Stop 5 +6: Reservoir Gorge and Delivery Falls

Art in the Heritage District – Stop 5 +6: Reservoir Gorge and Delivery Falls

Elaine Kessler

The middle water feature by Heritage Market Place is called Reservoir Gorge* and is intended to represent all the reservoirs in Arizona. The boulders here are salvaged from the canal and reutilized. The stonework here is incorporated from old SRP turnouts. Like Lateral Deluge, the plaza here is also in concentric circles mimicking ripples.

Just east of Reservoir Gorge are two water features on either side of Gilbert Road called Delivery Falls* and are reminiscent of standpipes still seen sometimes in agricultural areas. Pictured is the element on the west side of Gilbert Rd. You can see a hint of the element on the east side of the road in the first picture.

*This was the name that the design team and the Town used during design and construction. While this name was never officially adopted by the Town Council, it does help to explain the story behind it. The name is meant to tell a story about water delivery in Arizona and its agricultural heritage.



Allan, Aaron. Phone conversation. 20 May 2020.

Elliott, Amanda. “FW: Powerline Trail.” Message to Elaine Kessler. 4 May 2020. E-mail.

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