Historical Photographs Order Form

Complete and submit the form and the HD SOUTH team will get back to you with a confirmed price for your order. Your final price will depend on the number and intended usage of the images. A guide to pricing is shown below.

Once payment is received, the highest resolution digital images we hold (without watermarks) will then be emailed to you for your intended usage. Please note that using our images for anything other than the stated use when purchased is a breach of copyright. As these are old historic photos, resolution and image quality will vary.

  • Personal use, Commercial, Publication, Media Production, Advertising etc. Your final price will depend on the number and intended usage of the images. A guide to pricing is shown below.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Reproduction Fees Guide: Please note that your final total cost will be calculated by HD SOUTH depending on the images requested and their intended  use.

Personal Use: $15 per image

Display inside a Commercial Setting:

Decorative Display or exhibit: $75 per image

Publication Periodicals, Serials:

Printed materials books, magazines, posters, newsletter, postcards, calendars, etc.

Print run/ subscribers:

Under 2,000 $50
2,000-4,999 $75
5,000-9,999 $100
Over 10,000 $250

Electronic Distribution:

Under 50,000 $75
50,000-99,999 $100
Open access or over 100,000 $250

Media Production:

Motion Pictures, television, broadcasts, internet-based productions: $250


For print, broadcast, electronic advertisements, or outdoor use: $200

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