Virtual - Zoom

What Happened to The Caboose? – Virtual Program

Virtual - Zoom AZ, United States

The story of the caboose includes both historic and current railroad industry issues such as safety, labor unions and evolving technology. Those little red cars constitute microcosms of railroading history. Join us and historian Fred Friedman for this virtual engaging lecture on the creation, use and demise of the "crummy" or "doghouse" as the caboose […]


How to Have a Fun Inktober – Virtual Program

Virtual - Zoom AZ, United States

Join local area artist, Dani Kahn, and the Inktober© Official Team in learning how to use the Inktober challenge to improve your artwork. Additionally, participants will review strategies about how […]


Steel Gangs – Native American Railroad Workers

Virtual - Zoom AZ, United States

Navajo, Laguna Acoma, and other Native American railroad workers have been a vital elements of track construction and maintenance since 1880. The story of the Native people' association with the […]


Water And Power In The Valley – Presented By SRP

Virtual - Zoom AZ, United States

During this virtual presentation, supported by Citizen Voice, participants will learn more about the history of water and power in the valley and the Salt River Project. This presentation will cover the valley's early canal systems, the formation of the Salt River Project Reclamation Project, the construction of the Salt and Verde Dams and the […]

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