Art in the Heritage District – Stop 3: Western Powerline Trail

Art in the Heritage District – Stop 3: Western Powerline Trail

Art in the Heritage District – Stop 3: Western Powerline Trail

Elaine Kessler


Many different water elements dot the Downtown Gilbert landscape. There are several unique reminders of the significance of water that contribute to a thriving life in the desert. The next few articles will detail the development along the Town of Gilbert’s SRP Western Powerline Trail.

The biggest constraint for the landscape architects designing the development projects were the high voltage powerlines. Each piece of the development accommodates the need to access the powerlines with ease and safety. Every hill and every tree that mark the trail are intentionally placed and purposefully planned.

The Sissoo trees are similar to the cotton tree paying tribute to the crops that once inhabited this area. The seating areas found throughout the trail are to mimic the boulders used for energy dissipators in the water delivery system; to slow down the velocity of the water. These little seating areas are designed to slow down the velocity of people and have them enjoy the area and all it has to offer.

The curved path running north of Park University and Heritage Market Place mimics waves and the blue glass speckled in the path mimics water. It is truly a thoughtful developmental improvement. The next few stops on the art “tour” will highlight a few aesthetic features along the Western Powerline Trail in more detail.

Allan, Aaron. Phone conversation. 20 May 2020.

Elliott, Amanda. “FW: Powerline Trail.” Message to Elaine Kessler. 4 May 2020. E-mail.

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