Upcoming Events

Science Café: Prehistoric Farming in the Southwest

Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch 2757 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

Melissa Peeples, Ph.D., Native Seed Search will explain how indigenous people farmed in the arid lands southwest United States over the last 4,000 years.

Art Workshop: Gourd Canteen Workshop

Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch 2757 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

Join Albert Abril, primitive skills specialist, for a fun workshop learning how to process gourds to make a useable canteen. Canteens will follow the patterns of Indigenous and early Latino styles.

Bears Ears National Monument Lecture with special guests

Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch 2757 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

We are honored to have Stephen Strom, Eric ​Descheenie, and Alfred Lomahquahu join us at Gallery 4 in the Gilbert Museum to discuss Bears Ears on Tuesday, October 10 from […]

The Mesquite Tree; Nature’s Gift to the Southwest

Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch 2757 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

Wild food expert, Peggy Sue Sorensen, will lead this workshop where participants will learn how to select, harvest and prepare mesquite beans for tasty and nutritious additions to meals.

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